Saturday, July 7, 2007

It seems like eons since I blogged, but a lot has been going on. I am working on finishing a season of the show. I have new plans for next season. I am still dealing with the financial stuff of the show. I have some connections that may involve us getting out of Cleveland for a bit. Yet, I want to keep some of the show based here. I've worked with some great talent.

I once heard a definition of insanity. It was "doing the same thing and expecting different results." So I don't want to do the same thing with the show. I have cut off ties with a lot of the community here- excpet for a few select people. I have plans that I don't reveal to anyone...until they are set.

All in all, I do have hope for things. And the show itself will have new talent and a different look.

I am still using Myspace to promote it. So far we have over 13,500 people. Which is good considering we haven't spent any money promoting it. Just time.

Well, back to work and I will try to blog a few times a week from now on.